KJ Kearney
KJ started BFF in April of 2020, at the beginning of the global pandemic. The original goal was just to highlight Black owned restaurants that were open during COVID-19. It has since evolved into an aggregate landing page for people who are intentional about spending with Black owned food-based businesses whether that's restaurants, consumer packaged good brands, chefs, caterers, recipe developers, cookbook authors, and even other Black food bloggers & influencers.
Nominated for a James Beard Award for Social Media in 2022, KJ is also the creator of the video series entitled #BlackFoodFact. His 60 second Black food history lessons were featured on the Today Show for making "Black Food History More Accessible." The Black Food Fridays message has been shared in local, national, and international publications such as: the New York Times, Conde Nast Traveller UK, Mic.com, The Takeout, BET, and the aforementioned Today Show.